

时间:2024-03-07 03:36作者:4166am金沙app

本文摘要:Babies dont come with a manual, but a new app is helping to take some of the guesswork out of their cries.婴儿啼哭的原因令人费解,不过一款取名为ChatterBaby的新应用于可协助人们从其流泪中取得某些信息。


Babies dont come with a manual, but a new app is helping to take some of the guesswork out of their cries.婴儿啼哭的原因令人费解,不过一款取名为ChatterBaby的新应用于可协助人们从其流泪中取得某些信息。The app is the brainchild of a doctor at the UCLA along with a team of volunteers.该应用于是加州大学洛杉矶分校一位博士和一组志愿者智慧的结晶。Known as ChatterBaby, the free app was initially created to help deaf parents figure out what their child needs.他们最初设计这款免费应用于是想要协助失明父母理解孩子的市场需求。


But even people with full hearing have trouble differentiating between whether juniors hungry, fussy or in pain.不过就算是听力长时间的人也很难区分婴儿究竟是饥饿、反感还是伤痛。The team developed an algorithm that identified the characteristics of each type of cry, like changes in pitch, frequency, pauses. Using this information, the algorithms nearly correctly identified features of cries.该研究小组研发出有一种算法,可以辨识出有每种哭声的特征,如音高、频率、中断等方面的变化。


通过这些信息,算法基本能精确地辨别婴儿啼哭的特征。The creator hopes this app will also help users identify autism in their children earlier.开发者期望此应用于也需要协助用户早地分辨出有孩子否患上自闭症。

